BUSECO for the year 2014 was once again able to sustain its Triple A Electric Cooperative categorization with the set Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and BUSECO got 100%, a perfect score. This simply entails that BUSECO is a well manage and a very promising electric cooperative.
However, it must be emphasized that despite its categorization and present status, the cooperative does not want to settle at its laurels but wishes to deliver more to its MCOs, hence, aspire to become a World Class Organization. With this, the management is continuously exhausting all means through assessing its performance and planning ahead to ensure realization of its goal.
On April 23-24, 2015, BUSECO successfully conducted its Assessment and Evaluation Planning. The activity was spearheaded by its General Manager Deiter Hoff P. Arellano, CPA, MBA together with its Executive Committees (Department/Division Managers) and Management Committee (Section Heads, Selected Office Representatives).
During the said activity, accomplishments using corporate dashboards and balance scorecards of all departments were presented. Unaccomplished targets or critical activities were then identified to ensure that the management will employ measures to effectively achieve the target. The participants were then grouped for Focus Group Discussions to ensure that the identified critical activities be analyzed further and effective solutions will be crafted. Output of discussions which were the proposed solutions to critical activities were then presented to GM Arellano for deliberation and approval. Signing of Commitment and Agreement concluded the activity.
It is worth noting that for the first quarter, the cooperative is operating well evident by its lower System loss, within standard Average Collection Period and Reliability Indices and achieved set targets.
With the foregoing, BUSECO is confident that the cooperative will maintain its categorization for the upcoming years while striding harder to realize its dream of becoming a World Class Organization.
Onwards and soar high BUSECO!